Comprehensive legal assistance

for individual clients

and business


About us

Our history

Our history

The origins of Chyl Partners Law Office go back to 2002, when under a different name and in another composition, attorney at law Grzegorz Chyl, founder of the Law Office, decided to start business, providing legal assistance to business and individual clients. Since 2008, the partners of Law Office are attorney at law Grzegorz Chyl and attorney at law Joanna Chyl - Ziętara, privately owned sister of the Grzegorz Chyl.

Our mission

Our mission

The motto that guides our business is Trust. Experience. Effectiveness”. The basis of our activity is the trust that our clients place in our work, who entrust us with their life matters. We try to do this and never fail, and in the most professional manner, within the law, help in solving problems both for individual and business clients. Thanks to many years of experience in providing legal assistance, our activities are characterized by very high efficiency, but also sincere relationships with clients who have been fully aware of the chances of its success since the beginning of our case.



Chyl Partners Law Office has over 15 years of experience in providing comprehensive legal assistance to individual clients, entrepreneurs, public and local government institutions, among others in the field of civil law, commercial law, criminal and penal - tax law, real estate law, copyright law, public procurement law, administrative law, labor law, intellectual property law as well as litigation.

Joanna Chyl-Ziętara i Grzegorz chyl

Contact us

Feel free to contact us.

We will reply

as soon as possible.

CALL US (+48 22) 825 85 84



Contact details

tel.: (+48 22) 825 85 84
mobile.: + 48 601 305 907
mobile.: + 48 512 320 445
NIP: 701-027-61-67
Bank Account Number: 74 1140 2004 0000 3402 7222 7201